Main Welcome Screen


Welcome to the American Guild Of Musical Artists member services web site.

Please login or choose an option from the menu. 

Login/Logon Instructions  

At the top of the gray column on the left, please click on "Login". In the user name field, type the first five letters of your last name (or your full last name if less than five letters) followed by your membership ID number. In the password field type your membership ID number. (Your membership ID number can be found on your invoice or on your AGMA membership card below your name.) 


Name:          John Smith ID Number: 12345
Username:   Smith12345
Password:    12345

In the event your username does not work:

Please try logging in using just your membership ID number.


Name:          John Smith ID: 12345
Username:   12345
Password:    12345

If you still cannot login/logon, click on the link provided under the Log On button that reads "Forgot your logon information? Click Here". This link will take you to a page that will prompt you for the necessary information we will need to provide your login/logon information. If you still experience a problem, please contact the National Office at (800) 543-2462 during our regular business hours (9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. EST) and ask for the Membership Department.