Main Welcome ScreenWELCOMEWelcome to the American Guild Of Musical Artists member services web site. Please login or choose an option from the menu. Login/Logon Instructions Example: Name: John Smith ID Number: 12345 In the event your username does not work: Please try logging in using just your membership ID number. Example: Name: John Smith ID: 12345 If you still cannot login/logon, click on the link provided under the Log On button that reads "Forgot your logon information? Click Here". This link will take you to a page that will prompt you for the necessary information we will need to provide your login/logon information. If you still experience a problem, please contact the National Office at (800) 543-2462 during our regular business hours (9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. EST) and ask for the Membership Department. |